
Cheap Halex 36019 1/2-Inch To 1-Inch Soild Brass with Screws Grounding Clamp Online

you looking for low price Halex 36019 1/2-Inch To 1-Inch Soild Brass with Screws Grounding Clamp?

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Halex 36019 1/2-Inch To 1-Inch Soild Brass with Screws Grounding Clamp Specification

  • Use indoors or outdoors to secure the grounding wire to a 1/2-Inch through 1-Inch pipe
  • Not UL or ACSA approved
  • Fits 10-2 AWG
  • Carded
  • Solid Brass with brass screws

Halex 36019 1/2-Inch To 1-Inch Soild Brass with Screws Grounding Clamp Overview

Halex is ranked 1 in quality among major fitting manufacturers and is the preferred brand for professional electricians. Halex products are engineered to perform perfectly in any environment.

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