
Best Cheap Mitee-Bite PBCL-5 Blunt Edge PITBULL Socket Cap Screw Fixture Clamp Pitbull Low Profile Clamp, Material/Edge=Steel/Blunt For Sale

Mitee-Bite PBCL-5 Blunt Edge PITBULL Socket Cap Screw Fixture Clamp Pitbull Low Profile Clamp, Material/Edge=Steel/Blunt Overview

Clamping Systems - Pitbull Clamps - The Pitbull Clamp is a revolutionary new fixture clamp with positive down force and a low gripping profile. High vertical and horizontal clamping forces are generated, considering the size of the Pitbull Clamps. It uses a standard cap screw and an oil resistant O-ring. The Pitbull Clamp is available in 5 sizes and several styles, a tool steel knife edge for aggressive stock removal, a tool steel blunt edge for general purpose and a brass version to help prevent marring in the work piece.


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