
Discount Neiko Tools USA 4" C-Clamp with Copper Plated Screw On Sale

you looking for cheap Neiko Tools USA 4" C-Clamp with Copper Plated Screw?

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Neiko Tools USA 4" C-Clamp with Copper Plated Screw Specification

  • Heavy-duty construction
  • Drop-forged steel jaw for superior strength under extreme tension
  • Self-adjusting swivel-pawl automatically adapts to irregular objects for even, more-stable hold
  • Copper plated screw resists welding spatter
  • Machined hardened-steel spindle copper-plated for use without lubricants, resists welding splatter

Neiko Tools USA 4" C-Clamp with Copper Plated Screw Overview

One of the oldest, low-tech hand-tool designs but still one of the most effective for incredibly powerful pressing and holding strength in welding, metalworking, woodworking, gluing and hobby projects. Heavy-duty construction, Drop-forged steel jaw for superior strength under extreme tension, Self-adjusting swivel-pawl automatically adapts to irregular objects for even, more-stable hold, Copper plated screw resists welding spatter, Machined hardened-steel spindle copper-plated for use without lubricants, resists welding splatter, 4" Capacity

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