
Discount Bessey Auto-Adjust Horizontal Toggle Clamp High Web Store

Bessey Auto-Adjust Horizontal Toggle Clamp High

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Bessey Auto-Adjust Horizontal Toggle Clamp High

  • Max vertical opening distance: 2-3/4"
  • Force adjustable from 25-550 lbs. (700 lbs. max)
  • Large 2-1/4" x 2-1/2" baseplate
  • Comfort grip handle

Bessey Auto-Adjust Horizontal Toggle Clamp High
The BESSEY Auto-Adjust Toggle Clamp automatically adjusts to variations in work piece dimensions while maintaining constant clamping force with a max vertical opening distance of 2-3/4". No more time-consuming manual adjustment of the spindle height to maintain a safe and correct clamping force. The removable non-marring plastic cap is included on the 7/8"-diameter pads. The integrated clamping force adjustment screw can be used to create an actually applied clamping force from 25 to 550 lbs. (max holding capacity 700 lbs.). One BESSEY Auto-Adjust Toggle Clamp can replace a range of competitive clamps. The large flanged baseplate is designed for use with 1/4" or M6 fasteners.

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