
Cheap Wolfcraft 3416405 Band Clamp Web Store

you looking for cheaper Wolfcraft 3416405 Band Clamp?

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Wolfcraft 3416405 Band Clamp Features

  • Durable clamping aid for irregular surfaces
  • High-impact plastic jaws and a tough 1 inch by 13 foot extremely wear-resistant nylon strap
  • Fine-thread micro-adjusts and spindle fine-tunes the belt tension
  • Hand thread screw for easy adjustment
  • 5-year limited manufacturer's warranty

Wolfcraft 3416405 Band Clamp Overview

The Wolfcraft Band Clamp is an ideal clamping aid for gluing picture frames, furniture, shelves and other workpieces. This tool is perfect for clamping large or irregular surfaces (such as barrels, buckets, packages, cartons, and bales) that won't allow the use of traditional bar and pipe clamps. Its fine-thread micro-adjusts and spindle fine-tunes belt tension, while the clamp itself provides even pressure on a variety of shapes and sizes. The plastic frame has two quick-adjust side levers for locking and releasing of belt tension, and its plastic corner braces are designed to provide a square, tight corner. Other features include a eccentric lever allowing for infinite adjustability, and a hand thread screw for easy adjustment. This product comes with a 5-year limited manufacturer's warranty.

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