
Buy Kreg MKJKIT Mini Kreg Jig Kit Web Store

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Kreg MKJKIT Mini Kreg Jig Kit Overview

The Kreg Mini Jig is designed without an alignment fence which allows it to be clamped to virtually any angle or orientation to the edge of a workpiece. Simply clamp the guide in place and use the included step drill bit and stop collar to produce perfect pocket holes. Kit includes Mini Jig, HSS 3/8" diameter step drill, stop collar, and hex key. It is the pocket-hole solution for cabinetmaking.

Kreg MKJKIT Mini Kreg Jig Kit Specification

  • Makes pocket hole joinery work easier
  • No-fence design makes for easy positioning
  • One-hole jig is great for furniture repairs or flooring work
  • Includes 3/8-inch step drill bit, depth collar, and Allen wrench
  • Handy for repair applications and space constricted areas

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