
Cheap Kreg SML-C150 - 5000 Pocket Screws 1 1/2-Inch, #8 Coarse, Washer Head, 5000 Count Online

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Kreg SML-C150 - 5000 Pocket Screws 1 1/2-Inch, #8 Coarse, Washer Head, 5000 Count Overview

This 1-1/2" coarse thread, #2 square drive washer head screw works well in 1" thick, softer material. The washer head of this screw is our most popular head style as the wide bearing surface of the head will not overdrive in the bottom of the pocket. This is especially important in softer material such as plywoods and composites. The screw also features a type 17 auger tip that self-taps its' own hole, eliminating the need to predrill in even the hardest materials. Kreg screws also have larger diameter steel shanks than many other screws on the market today making for an impressively strong screw that is almost impossible to break. Our screws have a bronze colored finish and a dry-lubricant coating that eases driving torque and provides greater rust resistance. For maximum rust resistance, look to our Sun-Seal coated weather resistant screws.

Kreg SML-C150 - 5000 Pocket Screws 1 1/2-Inch, #8 Coarse, Washer Head, 5000 Count Specification

  • 1-1/2" screw
  • Maxi-Loc washer head
  • Great for softer materials like pine, plywood, particle board, MDF and melamine
  • Larger threads provide maximum holding power
  • Washer head seats flushly in the bottom of the pocket, eliminating pull through

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