
Best Buy Veneer Press Screw Online

you looking for low priced Veneer Press Screw?

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Veneer Press Screw Overview

Veneer presses are essential to good bonding when youre veneering desktops, tabletops and similar large, flat surfaces. The presses are easily made with these heavy-duty veneer press screws. Any flat surfaces that need considerable clamping pressure can be glued and assembled with veneer presses constructed with these screws. The cold drawn steel threads are accurately machined. Malleable iron handles that allow use of both hands for really high-pressure work.The nut and swivel are also malleable iron.The 9" screws come with instructions for making the veneer press frames in many sizes and several styles.

Veneer Press Screw Features

  • The cold drawn steel threads are accurately machined
  • Malleable iron handles that allow use of both hands for really high-pressure work
  • The nut and swivel are also malleable iron
  • The 9" screws come with instructions for making the veneer press frames in many sizes and several s

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