
Buy Fulcrum Multi-Flex LED Task Light, Silver Web Store

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Fulcrum Multi-Flex LED Task Light, Silver Overview

The Multi Flex Light is an all-purpose book light, task light or travel light

Fulcrum Multi-Flex LED Task Light, Silver Specification

  • All-purpose book light, task light, or travel light, the Fulcrum Multi-Flex LED light is easy to use and energy efficient
  • Ultra-bright LED light provides a clear, bright spotlight for reading in the dark, enjoying hobbies, camping, or using a keyboard
  • Sturdy clip acts as a stable base, allowing the light to stand on its own, as well as attach to a book, shelf, or cupboard
  • Flexible gooseneck allows light to be directed anywhere needed
  • LED bulb never burns out; easy on-off switch powers the light, which requires 3 AAA batteries, sold separately

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